Jefferson County Public Schools Louisville, Kentucky
Jefferson County Schools Louisville, Ky
Subject: Update My Address or Provide Proof of Address

Instructions: Complete the information in the body below. Be sure to answer all questions! Attach valid proof of residence, which can be an LG&E or water bill, a paycheck or paycheck stub, a lease, a contract on a home, or SSI or other government benefit award letter.



** Total file size should not exceed 51200kb

You may register your child for school regardless of immigration status and/or a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence. If a student lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence or has temporary living arrangement because of an economic hardship; temporary foster care placement; or is residing in a shelter, with a family member, or in a hotel, the student may qualify for further educational assistance through the Office of Homeless Education. To access services, you call the Homeless Education program at 485-3650 or email

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