Field Experience Students
Beginning Spring 2020 Field Experience Students Have to complete the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Check
Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is excited you will be completing your “field hours” in our district. Before you begin your placement, you must
Login Registration InstructionsRegister in our Field Experience Tracking System. Please register with an email address that ends with .edu.
Complete a volunteer background check*. Unlike the federal criminal background check, this is a STATE level check. No fingerprints are required. The volunteer records check is good for 5 years.
- Please go to my School Bucks to pay for your Volunteer Background Check (the Volunteer Background Check is $10.00 and there is a 0.41 cents service fee. The total payment is $10.41)
- After you have completed your payment please go to the JCPS School Volunteer Records Check and enter your information. If you think you have done this before click check the status. Enter your information in the Volunteer Status Check box and click check status.
- Please communicate with your Field Placement Coordinator to arrange your placement details. Field Placement Coordinators will communicate directly with principals to make arrangements for your placements. Students should not contact the schools.
Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Complete the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) check. You will receive the results back from the state in your e-mail.
Please upload a copy of your CAN Check results into your account in the portal.
- CAN Check Instructions
- CAN Check Sample
- If you have further questions about the CAN Check please contact Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG) Helpdesk
KOG Security Help Desk 502-564-0104 Extension 2
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 5 pm EST
*The Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) requires volunteers to submit a Volunteer Background check every five years. However, if it is brought to the attention of district officials that a volunteer has plead guilty to or is convicted of drug offenses; sexual offenses; offenses against minors; deadly weapons offenses; violent, abusive, threatening, or harassment offenses; or any felony offense, he or she will be required to submit a new criminal records check and his or her volunteer status may be terminated. In keeping with JCBE policy, the School Volunteer Records Check process is as follows:
All JCPS parent and community members whose School Volunteer Records Check was cleared prior to July 1, 2016, are required to submit a new background check.
- Volunteers who submitted a School Volunteer Records Check after July 1, 2016, and were cleared will not need to resubmit a records check until July 1, 2021, unless there has been a qualifying incident similar to those listed above.
- The use of tobacco products is prohibited in any building owned or operated by the board. Smoking on school grounds is permitted only in outside areas so designated by the superintendent or principal, subject to the limits set by law.
If you have further questions please submit a message to Please always include your name, title, and semester (example: Jane Doe / Field Experience Student / Fall 2020) in the subject line.
Click START SLIDESHOW to view the Volunteer Background Check presentation in a new window, click Present to view in full screen mode, or click each slide on the left to view the presentation slide by slide.
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