Student Teachers and Field Placements

Preparing for Student Teaching and Social Work Placements

Student teacher applicants must complete an online application, a Medical Exam (submitted to university coordinator), fingerprinting for a criminal records check, and provide a current photo ID.

The following steps will guide you through the process:

Login Registration Instructions
  1. Complete the online application (using your student email address).
  2. Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

    Complete the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) check. You will receive the results back from the state in your e-mail.

    Please upload a copy of your CAN Check into your account in the portal.

  3. Medical Exam (Includes TB Check)

    Click here for form.

    Submit completed Medical Exam to your university coordinator and to JCPS. The Medical Exam form can be uploaded into the JCPS Student Teacher Portal OR mailed/delivered to VanHoose Education Center.

    • VanHoose Education Center

      Attn: Welcome Center

      3332 Newburg Rd

      Louisville KY 40218

  4. Criminal Records Check

  5. Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

    Click on the link above to access info for registering for and completing the PBIS module. This is not required for Social Work students.

  6. Receiving clearance to report to your school

    Once the criminal records check has been received in the Human Resources department, you will receive an email notification. The principal of your assigned location will also receive an email notification letting them know you (the student teacher) have been officially cleared. If you have further questions please submit a message to Please always include your name, title, and semester (example: Jane Doe / Student Teacher / Fall 2020) in the subject line.

Individual schools will let you know their process for signing in and/or wearing an identification badge. Some procedures might include:

You must have completed these six steps before reporting to your school!!!

Check out the following links for useful instructional tools, classroom resources, and ideas.