University Field Placement Coordinators

Login Registration Instructions

​The Student Teacher Tracking System is a valuable tool that allows you to assist in placing your teacher candidates in Jefferson County.

Pleaseregister as a University Coordinator to check on the status of your student, and finalize their placements. Please register with your university email address that ends with .edu.

We track the teachers who have been trained in the Co-Teaching model. Those teachers have been asked to register in our Student Teacher Tracking System.

This is the same system your students use to register, and you can use to check off their TB status and assign placements.

When you log in, you will be able to easily identify your students who have properly registered in the Student Teacher Tracking System.

Click the Create button to begin entering placement details (i.e., location, cooperating teacher, and dates).

On the bottom half of your screen, you will see a link entitled Show Certification Matches. Click this link to see a listing of teachers who have registered in the tracking system, and have the same certification(s) as your teacher candidate. You are also able to determine if they have been assigned to a teacher candidate or if they are free.

However, before selecting a cooperating teacher, you MUST make contact with the principal first, and then the potential cooperating teacher to ensure they are indeed available and an appropriate match for your student.

The tracking system also provides an email icon for you to click and email the teacher directly to ask if they are willing and available to host the teacher candidate after you have made contact with the principal.

Keep in mind, many of the cooperating teachers have already established relationships with specific universities and may have verbally committed to hosting a teacher candidate. Therefore, completing this step is critical to ensure that you do not select someone who is already committed to another university/student.